Judging Criteria

Confidence: 50%
Physique: 30%
Creativity: 20%
Men’s Swimwear:
Shirtless with board
shorts by Chula Wear to showcase
upper and lower body.
Women’s Swimwear:
Two piece swimwear with heels
(any height),
along with accessories
of your choosing. 
Men’s Active wear:
Any type of active wear,
along with tennis shoes. 
Women’s Active wear:
Any type of active wear,
along with tennis shoes, and any accessories
of your choosing.
Formal Round:
Competitors will wear nightlife
clothing of their choice
that makes them feel confident. 
Men can wear a suit and tie
or just a nice outfit. 
Women can wear evening wear
or formal wear. 
Reflect confidence and style.
Process: Competitors will change
into their formal wear after the
intermission and do their formal walk
Front relax
Front double
Side chest
Back relax
Back double 
Favorite pose 
MP Front pose
Right Side intercostal 
MP back pose
SSC x  Side intercostal 
Ab and thigh
Front transformation pose
Right side transformation pose
Back transformation pose
Left transformation pose
Most confident 
Formal walk (personality round) 
Front Pose
Side Pose
Back Pose
Formal Walk (Personality Round)
Front Pose
Side Pose
Back Pose
Formal Walk (Personality Round)
Front Pose
Side Pose
Back Pose
Formal Walk (Personality Round)